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Monday, May 23, 2016

Mount Singai Bau, Sarawak

If you’re looking for a morning walk or a brief hiking, why not head over to Bukit Singai in Kuching, Sarawak. But first of all, we would like to highlight that this place may not be suitable for everyone. It’s more sort of a religious place but free for anyone to visit, so if you’re not interested, you may want to skip this one.

Mount Singai is not that high. Honestly, I can’t find any official height published on the net at this time of writing but my suunto recorded the highest at 1660 ft a.m.s.l while some blogs express it at 1800 or more. About an hour walk and you’d reach the top, and another 40 minutes to get back to starting point. What’s unique about Mt Singai is there’s a church built 200 ft up the mountain.

“Bukit” in Malay literally means “hill” so yes, this is a hike in a jungle that requires some “going up” but you are compensated with the refreshing air, the beauty of mother nature and most importantly, stronger leg muscles. The trek is made up of long stairway leading up to a hilltop where a Catholic Church and Religious Retreats seats. Along the way up, you will also see 12 monuments erected every few meters. Each of these monuments represents 12 days leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. The trip up would take about 35 minutes to reach the top, depending on your fitness

Transportation wise to this location may not be convenient however. We’re not so sure about the availability of public transport to reach this place except taxi but if you’re driving, you may goggle Mount Singai for the map *winks*

Monday, May 16, 2016

Chapati wrap for dinner.

 前几天的晚餐😊😊😊本来是要打包的可是不是很舒服加上想吃的健康所以还是亲自动手做了这个chapati wrap, 话说我很爱这样的食物。这次的chapati wrap里面的馅料有
1) fish fillet 鱼柳 - 用水煮熟就可以了, 如果你觉得这样吃会太轻淡, 建议先用一些调味料来腌。😄😄😄因为我本身吃得比较清淡。🌹🌹🌹
2) salad菜 -只要用清水洗干净就可以了, 不需要煮
3) 鸡蛋 - 完全没有用油去煎的, 用non sticky pan, 热锅后直接把打了的蛋倒进锅里, 慢慢煎熟就可以了。😉😉😉
之后就可以用chapati wrap起来上碟。
我就到了些tomato sauce来沾。哈哈哈😍😍😍
话说我最近在练milk froth还没练成, 真是伤脑经啊。

Saturday, May 14, 2016




位于Maxims Hotel的18楼,但由于电梯位置有点隐秘,建议不懂路的人问一下服务人员要求带路,说你要到e18hteen crockfords就可以了😊

这里有分3个区域;沙发区,dining place,bar & lounge.


无论是情侣想要有点私人空间,又或者想跟姐妹淘聊聊心事,这地方都是非常适合的,要check in或者自拍都很容易有好照片哦!

我到的时候天已经黑了,整个感觉就很舒服;由于部分天花板是玻璃的,白天的时候自然光会透进来,我相信白天来的话又是不一样的感觉 😍😍😍


它家咖啡是café richard coffee,来自🇫🇷法国的上等咖啡豆,这是barista刚刚告诉我的😁


‼️进这家餐厅是不需要什么卡的,因为我是最balia的classic card罢了,而且我已经跟它的staff确认过好几次了,可是你们也不要10个人去然后只点3杯水啦🙄 那以后就很难保证了


‼️住在Crockfords Suite的VIP才可以游泳哦,其他人只能去消费不能游泳哦 🏊❌

Dress Code:虽然说新开张不久暂时没有dress code,但规矩是可以随时更改的,人家一个高级地方你不要穿到好像去菜市场买菜那样随随便便啦😒 不要害到大家以后都不能进啊😖

Business Hour:7am -11.30pm

Friday, May 13, 2016

Instagram logo 换了新样貌,你喜欢吗?

昨天晚上想要打开我的instagram upload照片因为已经好几天没开了, 我在电话里翻了好多篇都找不到我的Instagram, 我就在想是不是我不小心把Instagram uninstall了呢,之后还是不放弃的一直找, 找了好久就心想算了吧从新install 一个好了, 就跑去playstore search Instagram, 结果result出来叫我open apps, 那不就代表我更本没把Instagram apps删了啊,打开看才发现Instagram logo 换了, 不是原本那个很有特色都是可爱相机,换成了看起来粉粉的颜色。

在全球擁有超過 4 億用戶的社群軟體 Instagram,其多變的濾鏡功能,成功吸引許多熱愛分享照片的使用者加入。稍早,Instagram 在官方帳號上發佈一則全新短片,藉由「簡化版」的設計過程,讓原先大家習慣的拍立得相機圖案一夜之間晉升成為:「彩虹底色 + 白色線條」。

我还是比较喜欢原本那个很有特色的可爱相机,还期待有一天会有Instagram logo那样的傻瓜相机呢。。。。

Thursday, May 5, 2016

My Toypoddle (Tedted)

刚带回家的第一天, 小小一只。The very first day we bought him home. We decided to name him "ted" at first but we worried that he might confused with commands when we teach him in the future. So we named him "tedted" instead of ted.
本来是打算帮它取名ted但担心它会与指导话术混绕所以就叫tedted. 虽然现在有时我会叫它baby. Haha
带回家的那几天它很不习惯, 一直哭, 早上又很早起身, 弄得我也不习惯, 那阵子真的好累好累, 睡眠不足, 幸好现在有改善了。
He didn't adapt to his new environment, he cried the very first night. We planned to let him sleep downstairs but he cried in the midnight so we let him sleep upstairs with us. Of cuz he sleep on the floor on his bed . He woke up early everyday within the week we brought him home and we were exhausted and tiring with his sleeping schedule.

Sometimes he will jump and hop around the bedside hoping that i will bring him up to my bed. If i ignored him, he will start crying. Really beh tahan him.
Photo before grooming

Photo after grooming 
Hair shaved off 

Monday, May 2, 2016

DAORAE korean bbq restaurant@kepong

昨晚去了Daorae这家韩国烧烤餐厅吃晚餐,因为是绑牙前的最后一顿“好料”, 担心绑了牙之后短期内不能吃需要用到嚼劲功力的食物,哈哈。所以选择了我最爱的韩国料。
本来是打算去kepong 另一间韩国餐厅oppa ya dalgabi 的,可是去到时才发现他们搬去Solaris 了因为website没有update所以白跑一趟。
最后决定去同排店的daorae 试试看,进去前看到店里没什么人,心想应该不是很好吃吧所以没人,可是进去五分钟后越来越多人, 简直快full house了,他分楼上楼下,楼上是可以烧烤的,坐在地上,楼下是不能烧烤的,坐在椅子上。

他们的服务基本上还不错, 有人会帮你们烤肉, 而且每个桌子都有自己的抽油烟机所以不会弄到全身都烧烤味, 曾经去过一间韩国烧烤店, 吃了出来全身上下都是烧烤味。
这间daorae如果你要点烧烤的肉海鲜之类,每个charcoal minimum要点两道菜, 就是如果你只点一个烤肉是不可以的,最少要点两道或以上。所以多人一起去吃比较好, 可以点多几道不同菜式。
这间店的绿茶是免费的, 饭后水果也是免费提供的,所以可以剩下茶水钱,但是烤肉的价钱会比其他韩国烧烤店贵。 不过味道不错, 蛮好吃的, 而且很有饱足感。

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Salmon (my healthy meal)

这次煮salmon, 也是我第一次自己煮salmon. 所以就简简单单的煮呗。前一天的晚上我就先用些调味料掩隔夜。
我只是用油(olive oil)稍微煎一煎,有皮那面就最候才煎。之候就淋上一些柠檬汁。
摆盘我用了一片chapati, salad菜和一些菇,chapati的煎法之前有介绍过了,菇也是随便炒一炒就可以了。
Salmon 是在carrefour 买的, 一片十块钱。蛮新鲜的。那天还买了saba鱼因为每次去寿司店都喜欢吃saba鱼所以就想试着在家里自己煮。
有人说今晚要带我去吃"最后一餐", 叫我决定地点和想吃的。我还在上网survey着, 之候会upload今晚去吃的"好料" 
至于为什么说是"最后一餐", 是因为星期二我要去绑牙了!!!!!!!
Oh yeah!!! My first braces!!!他怕我绑了之后短期内没办法吃好料。哈哈
Big Grin Smile Bear Big Grin Smile Bear Big Grin Smile BearBlinking Kawaii Cute Bear Blinking Kawaii Cute Bear Domo-kun Cute